Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This is wise...

I had it always the wrong way. Watching the moon blow the sun away and waiting for someone to do something about it. The desire to live in a sunny, day-driven modus twisted my perception of the world. From experiencing the extremes of hyper pissed-off-ness to the malevolent (at times) enjoyment, I got to the point reffered to by some (don't really know by whom) as fate-dependent. Of course it is impossible to extract all the feelings of anger, hatred, or despise, but right now I can feel that there should be nothing endangering my peace of mind... Heh...what babble! No way, that I made up all this BC! I mean come on, I'm not a hippie! And I definitely don't have a twisted world perspective... (well maybe I should skip the 'definitely') ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yyyy, che??!!

Blogger POUL said...

Ja też nie rozumiem, nawet nie dlatego że dość kilka nieznanych mi słów się pojawiło, ale ogólnie. Piszesz poetycko (dość) a z drugiej strony nawet Adam Ważyk (który kiedyś popełnił też zawiły wiersz) by cie ni w "dupę" za przeproszeniem nie zrozumiał. Sensem życia jest nieustanna walka, z kimś przeciw czemuś po coś? Jak mowią bohaterowie "Arizony" dlaczegoś... Jak nie walczysz nie czujesz tego aaaahhhh. A o to chodzi. War man, not fucking peace, peace is for weak.

Blogger pszemo said...

i dunno what the hell r u sayn' man


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