Life... goes on! (flows on)
I wanted to write something personall about how my heart was ripped out of my rib cage, thrown into the toilet and flushed down the drain, but I won't!; 'Freedom to choose, everybody should have it' (Give me back all the hope!!!) Enough! Seems that I have lost a great deal of my sickened optimism. Sorry for that my friends and thanks for being with me all the way! Yeah! Maciej, Pszemo, Paweł, we goota make some bottles carrying the transparent 'percentage juice' become empty vessels! Who wanna join in?;p
This post is a private student-like post!
This post is a private student-like post!
hehe, you know you can always count on my in these matters ;)
Ok. That's a tough guy!!! Fu.. what's bad and love what's good. Man You have u mnie wódkę, the best polską wódkę. A i pamietaj co mój kumpel powiedział o kobietach: "majotity of them are real ..." you know co. See You:)
Can all the girls come too? Or is it going to be just a guys-night-out?
What kind of question is that! We ain't havin a all-guy thing ths time!:)
Good to hear:p
So count me in:)
Ania prawda ze czujemy sie pominiete??
a w ogole to na tym zdjeciu jest moj kapciuszek!!
Nie zapominajmy kto wpadł na pomysł zrobienia takiego zdjęcia i kto był w takim 'pewnym' stanie żeby je tak ślicznie rozmazać ;)Oh I guess this supposed to be in English, sorry I meant AMERICAN.
Yeah! Only we get wasted!;)
"Ristopher;) said...
Yeah! Only we get wasted!;) "
You're lame! Try to party as much as me! And for some my drinking is only a warm-up ;)
Dude! I ain't lame! I promise you that there will be a great deal of wasting ouselves next time! Yeah!
All right, but I'm talkin' not only 'bout quantity, but albo 'bout frequency ;)
Well, we must discuss the forms of 'zagrycha' we're gonna use. Variety counts most!;)
anything that comes back without any pain suits me ;P
Hm... you've got a point there.
Do pustego żołądka wpada jajko. Usadawia się w kącie i zasypia. Po nim wlatuje jeszcze sałatka, pomidor i śledź. Wszyscy spokojnie kładą się i zasypiają. Chwilę za nimi wpada wódka i krzyczy:
- Słuchajcie, tu takie nudy, a tam na górze impreza, wracamy!
Good one Pszemo! So we need some eggs, a salad (kinda' patatoish), tomatoes and he-ringas ;P
a nie fiscas?? ja tam nie umiem tego staroangielskiego...
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