Taskin' III - back to the past...
Hm... So this is me from my preschool times - always happy, smilin', and run-around-with-toys kind of guy! Would you guess that this was Krzyś some 16 years back? I wouldn't!:)
And this is me Zorro (aka Darth Vader jr.) at a dress 'up party in kindergarten! Always had a thing going on for Star Wars ;p
Ja nie mogę co za spoko koleś!? Masakra, mój Radziu to nawet nie był taki fajny w połowie jak był mały. Nie mogę, te kostiumy a la ksiądz są wyrypane na maxa!!!
I love your banana-like smile in the first picture! :D You have definately changed, but your laugh is always cracking :)
Great pisc, especially this one with Darth Vader-like Rzys =)
hhhhhhhhh....hhhhhhhh....hhhhhhh come to the dark side :P
Doda (whoever that is?) left me speechless...
Being scary does not seem very much your thing - you seem a bit scared yourself.
The picture at the top is I think more like you. Not that we get to see SUCH big smiles from you at the college.
I still remember our first meeting:) it was 10 years ago, in July..:)
This smile is still with You:)
Great smile. Btw, do you still have those teddy bears? lol
Niahahaa, Zorro rocks!! Have you learnt also how to make this whizz! whizz! whizz! move? You know, to sign yourself on somebody's back :)
Rzyźź Rzyźź Rzyźź that is! Of course, I mean come on!
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